At Lumen Christi Catholic School, we are committed to providing an education beyond the core curriculum to provide an outstanding educational experience that develops the whole child. Therefore, we feel it is important to enhance our core curriculum with "specials" classes in art, music, physical education, Spanish, and ACES. These classes are offered starting in 4K (Spanish begins at 5K).
Our school has a dedicated art room for students to create and express themselves. Led by our full-time art teacher, our students participate in art enrichment activities that broaden their knowledge of art and spark their imagination and creativity. Favorite art projects include pottery (we have a kiln), the "monster doll" project, and weaving.
With our full-time music teacher, students explore the elements of music and perform at our annual Christmas concert. In addition, our music education includes a variety of musical instruction, including keyboarding, drums, music composition, and choir. Band is also available as a co-curricular for 4th - 8th-grade students.
We want our students to be healthy and active — it's part of our commitment to holistic education in mind, body, and spirit. Through physical education classes, our students fine-tune their gross motor skills and coordination. Led by our full-time phy ed teacher, students learn about health-related fitness, sportsmanship, and personal responsibility.
At Lumen Christi, we believe that providing children with the necessary skills to communicate in a second language is immensely beneficial in today's global world. Students in 5K - 3rd grade attend Spanish class once a week, while students in grades 4th - 6th attend Spanish twice weekly. 7th and 8th-grade students attend Spanish class three times a week, intending to enter sophomore-level Spanish in high school.
To educate our students to become their best possible selves, we provide weekly ACES education. Our full-time school counselor discusses topics based on the virtues and teachings of our Catholic Faith and topics featured by the American School Counseling Association Standards and the Wisconsin School Counseling Association. Each lesson is age-appropriate and can be tailored toward the class's specific needs. Topics include :